Guitar Lessons at the Guitar Attic

Our experienced teachers will help you fully enjoy the guitar, offering personalized instruction that’s just not found on YouTube. Beginner to advanced students are welcome, and a half-hour lesson costs just $20.
The Guitar Attic has a pair of private teaching rooms, each complete with an amplifier. Parents are welcome to watch.
We Teach from Beginner to Advanced
Only $25.00 Per Half Hour for a One on One Lesson
Parents are Welcome to Watch.
The lesson must be paid in advance to reserve your lesson each week.
Times each week depend upon availability
Payment is forfeited if you miss the lesson
24 hours notice required for excused lesson cancellation.
Limit one cancellation per month to receive credit
Rescheduling is permitted without a fee
The prepaid lessons will be used if you simply do not show up
Two consecutive "no shows" will result in termination of your spot
Call Us To Setup Your Time 386-676=2211
RANDY PEPPER, Guitar, Bass and Uke Lessons
Copy write 2011 The Guitar Attic Inc